A water management area is an area of land where water is being managed for a specific purpose. This can be for flood protection or water storage.
An example of a water management area is the Micco WMA located in Brevard County. This property uses ponds and restored wetlands to help remove pollutants from stormwater before it enters the Indian River Lagoon, one of North America’s most biologically diverse estuaries.
The Micco property is a great place for people to enjoy the outdoors and learn about Florida’s ecosystems. Hiking, nature study, photography, wildlife viewing and bicycling are all allowed on the property.
Nitrate and Phosphorus Removal
The Water Management Area has a team of staff working to reduce the impact of nutrient loading on water quality in the region. They are working with farmers to voluntarily adopt a variety of water management practices such as denitrifying bioreactors and vegetated subsurface drain outlets.
Agricultural Groundwater Sustainability Plan (AGWAM)
A team of experts from the Water Management Area is working with a number of local water users to develop an AMA Management Area Plan that will help them meet California’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act goals. These plans are designed to help AMAs achieve safe-yield and prevent local water tables from experiencing long-term declines by the year 2025.